Cookies, Kids, Friends and God’s Perfect Plan

Ronnie here.  Sue has had a pretty good week.  Physical therapy went good both times this week.  She had her six week assesment this afternoon and she is right on schedule for recovery.  We really enjoy her physical therapist.  He really knows what he is doing and takes very special care of Sue.  Monday is DOCTOR day for Sue, so we will be pretty busy with that.   She has four appointments on Monday; physical therapy, follow up with shoulder surgeon, dermatolgist to get stiches out from some pre-cancerous spots that were removed a couple of weeks ago and a preliminary oral surgeon appointment.  Her tooth, the one that wouldn’t come out, is starting to bother her again, so our plans are to go ahead with the implant.  At least the last month bought us a little time.  So it’s all good.  There are several things we are really excited about.  Katie and Steve are coming tomorrow and we are having early Christmas as Sue’s mom’s  house on Sunday with all of us being there.  Sue and I made some cookies last night and Sue is getting them all cooked for our “cookie making day” on Tuesday.  Katie and Steve, Jeff and Lyndsey and Steve’s brother and his girl friend are going to come over and we are all going to decorate cookies for family and friends.  Sue has some activities planned for us which include the wearing of reindeer antlers.  Should be fun. Billie Jo our life long good friend came over today and took Sue out for lunch and then they went and had their “nails done” together.  We really cherish her friendship.  She always knows just when to call and what to do.  Yesterday Sue’s good friend, Elaine, came by and they went to lunch and hung out.  She too is such a good friend.  I am off work until Jan. 2nd, so I am really looking forward to just chillin’, hanging out with Sue and the kids and just whatever. This has been a very interesting year.  The Lord has taught me so much, especially about myself.   We have been so blessed in so many areas of our lives.  His plan just continues to  prove so perfect and we look forward to this coming year and watching how so many things in our lives just continue to unfold and fit into place.  I am so glad that He is in control.   His plan is perfect and He IS Good All the Time!!!!

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