Curling irons and tweezing eyebrows, not my thing

Ronnie here.  So what’s the deal with curling irons?  Why do they have to be so hot?  Why can’t I get the hang of it?  It looks so easy when Sue does it, but then when I get my hands on it, well, I feel like I have two left hands.  Sue has second degree burns on her scalp and ears (not really, but I have burned her a few times).  And what’s up with tweezing eyebrows?  If it takes a 200 power magnifying glass to see them, why mess with them?  When was the last time you were walking down the street and someone walked up to you with a high powered magnifying glass and looked at your eyes and said, “oh my goodness, you need to go tweeze!”  I just don’t get it.  I guess it’s a guy thing, but if someone can explain to me the importance of doing that, please enlighten me.  Sue has tried, and I just don’t get it.  It’s not that I mind doing it, I just need to see results.  It reminds me of going outside to rake leaves and their are no leaves but you rake anyway.   Or washing a car that isn’t dirty or fixing a flat tire that isn’t flat. Why?  Oh well, like I said, I guess it’s a guy thing.  Sue had a great day.  Each day is getting better and better.  Our good friends Wayne and Terry Witt invited us over for supper tonight along with a couple we knew from Colonial.  It was a great time and good food.  It was a big outing for Sue and she is really tired now, but each day we do a little more and I know that one day soon, she will be back to normal.  Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.  God is Good All the Time.

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