I thought I was going to have to spank her

Ronnie here.  Sue had another rough, long night last night.  Not sure what the deal is, but sleeping is not working.  We are thinking about trying to sleep in our bed tonight rather than the “rented power recliner”.  We’ll see.  But that’s not what I was going to spank her over.  About 2 pm she calls and says, “what time do you think you’ll be home?”  I asked why, and she said she had started trying to make some potato salad.  Got the potatoes cooked, the eggs boiled and couldn’t go any further.  She had worn out her shoulder.  “I thought I was going to have to spank her.”  So, I made it home and finished up the project.  I now know how to make potato salad, almost. I at least I know the process, just not sure of the amounts of the stuff, since Sue uses the “dash and squirt” method of measuring of the stuff that goes into it.  Sue is going to try going to Bible Study tonight. Gussie, our friend from church, is going to come by and pick her up.  This is the first outing without me since shoulder surgery on the 4th.   So, I kinda feel like the mom whose young child is leaving for the first day of kindergarten.  I know she will enjoy seeing the ladies again, since we didn’t make church yesterday.  Tomorrow is physical therapy, so that should be exciting.   Please keep Katie and Steve in your prayers too.  Their paperwork for the adoption was supposed to be registered in St. Petersburg Russia today, so if that happened, this is a big step. Also, this Friday night, several families at their church in Akron are holding an event called “Born in Our Hearts.”  It’s a night of worhip and a time for Steve and Katie to share their story of the adoption journey.  Jeff is in MN and I just looked at the Weather Channel and it is suppose to be 17 degrees tonight. So hopefully he has his longjohns on.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.  God is Good All the Time.

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Oh well, we thought about going…

Ronnie here.  Well, our plan was to get up, get dressed and make it to church.  But, Sue had kind of a rough night.  She wasn’t feeling well, couldn’t get to sleep and just all around not the best night.  So, we decided to just not go out today.  Like they say, it’s the thought that counts.  Not sure if that counts when not going to church.  Oh, well.  So we decided to hang out and have some bonding time (like 37 years hasn’t been enough).  We do enjoy being with each other and it’s times like this that remind us of how much we do like being together.  Sue is feeling better now,  and in fact, she just finished, not only taking a shower by herself, but getting herself completely dressed which includes putting the “sling thing” back on.  So, that is the exciting thing today that has happened.  We start physical therapy on Tuesday, so that’s the next big step.  Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts.  I promise, one day, Sue will be back doing this.  God is Good All the Time.

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Layback kind of Saturday

Ronnie again.  Today was pretty much a layback kind of day for Sue.  She had an “alright” night last night.  She got up several times but was able to sleep to almost 9am.  Jeff came by to pick up some chairs and things for a party they are doing at their new house tomorrow. Sue has been 14 hours without and pain meds and doing good.  If things go good tonight, we will probably try and make church tomorrow.  Her tooth still isn’t hurting, so I think we can chalk that one up to a miracle and just praise God for it.  Our very special, good friend Elaine brought over a wonderful beef stew and rice with a nice salad with strawberries and almonds and some pumpkin bread.  It was delicious.  I spent the day raking, cleaning out the garage and catching up on a few things around here.  Each day is better for Sue and it still seems like we are on a good road to recovery.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.  We are so blessed to have the friends we have that are concerned for our welfare.  We do appreciate it.  God is Good All the Time.

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An almost normal day

Ronnie again.  So, today was almost a normal day. Sue had a pretty good night last night, only getting up a couple of times.  So as not to risk another disaster on the breakfast thing, I decided to let Mickey D take care of that this morning for Sue.  She loves those sausage, egg and cheese McGriddle things, so I went and got one of those for her before I left for work.  I was at the office most of the day and Sue did good on her on.  She still has basically no use of the right arm and hand, so we have to think ahead of things that she might need to make sure the lids are off, or opened or whatever would normally take two hands. We thought we were going to have to make a trip to the doctor because of numbness she has been experencing in her fingers, but they think it’s from the sling and not the surgery.   Sue took a shower on her own this afternoon and we made a trip to Harris Teeter to let her get out a while.  By the way, they have turkeys for $.29/lb if you need one.  She’s doing better each time we go out.  I think we are well on the way to recovery.  We plan on just hanging out this weekend and probably making a trip out every so often.  We may even try to make it to church on Sunday.   I am so thankful for the surgeon we had and his ability to repair Sue’s shoulder.  We almost waited too long to have it done.  As far as her tooth, it still isn’t hurting and it’s feeling fine.  Thank you Lord.  Tibbie, a friend from church and her two children came over and brought us some delicious stir fry chicken with rice.  It was great.  Her kids loved to play with our crazy dog Tux.  I would like to thank everyone again for helping out with suppers.  I think we have just about made it over the hardest part of this process and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Each day is better and easier now and I know it won’t be long before Sue is back to her crazy normal self.  Sue has been such a delight to care for.  Even during the toughest times during this she still found ways to make me laugh.  She is one special lady and it won’t be long before she is on here sharing her story. So just continue to pray for healing, pray for her ability to keep her arm and shoulder still and secure.  Next week is physical therapy, so that will be a major step in the right direction.   One thing I forgot to mention yesterday, after the doctor’s appointment we had to go across the hall to make the appointments with a physical therapist.  We were standing there and Sue asked the receptionist which one was her physical therapist and she pointed him out to us.  He was finishing up with a patient, and as we were walking out, Sue yelled over to Mark, that’s his name, and she said, “you better get ready, because you got me next week.”  He just laughed and waved and I was thinking inside, you really don’t know what you are in for because you are in for the ride of your life working with Sue.  A few months working with Sue and he will never be the same, in a good way.  God is Good All the Time!

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So, is HE still in the business of miracles??

This is Ronnie.  You bet your billy goat He is! Today was awesome and I’m still taking it all in as I write.  Just like yesterday at the end of the day when I said, WOW what was that all about?  Today, I am finding myself basically saying the same thing.  We woke up, after a pretty good night, to begin the process of making the outing for the trip to the follow up appointment with the  shoulder surgeon.  I fixed Sue some eggs and sausage, but for some reason, the sausage had a strange taste.  So, I gave it a try at a frozen sausage McMuffin.  I mean, how bad could I  mess that up.  Well, I must have left it on defrost in the microwave too long, and it came out like a hard piece of rubber.  Sue was so kind, trying to eat it, but it was like trying to eat an old man’s shoe (not that I’ve ever eaten an old man’s shoe).  When all of a sudden she said.  LOOK!  I’m eating this and my tooth does not hurt at all!  She started pushing on her tooth, touching it, messing with it.  No pain!  Before today, doing any of that would have sent her through the ceiling with pain.  “The pain’s gone.  My tooth doesn’t hurt anymore.”  So what happened here.  Did the oral surgeon move that tooth around enough yesterday that it fixed it; is it just not hurting right now and maybe it will hurt again soon; or did HE just give us a little miracle?  It’s funny when I really stop and think about miracles and how many He gives us everyday, but sometimes we just don’t take the time to recognize them.  I’m going to accept this now as one of His miracles.  He gave us this day to rejoice in Him.  He gave us this opportunity to Praise Him for not only this tooth situation but for friends, family, sun rises, leaves, wind, rain, the cross.  So, then we went to the shoulder surgeon and everything looks good.  He seemed to be happy with her progress.   She still can’t drive for a couple of weeks, but we have scheduled the first round of physical therapy that will start next Tuesday.  Lena, a good friend at church, brought over a meal that I had never had before.  Stuffed squash.  I’m 54 and never had it.  Where have I been all my life!  It was awesome.  The sweetness of the squash with the rice and hamburger, wow it was great.  She also brought some apple crispes that are in there just calling my name right now.  So, it was a good day.  Two of Sue’s good friends came over to visit and then Lyndsey came by and brought Sue some beautiful flowers.  Good food, good friends, good family,  a new door stop that strangely reseambles a Sausage McMuffin, good gracious, how many miracles can a man take in one day!  God is Good All the Time.

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So, What’s He Teaching me through this?

Ronnie, again.  I know you have probably had one of those days where at the end you go, Wow, what was that all about?!  What is God teaching me through this?  Well, that is what happened today to us.  Today was supposed to be; get up, go to the oral surgeon, Sue have a tooth extracted, go to her regular dentist and have a temporary tooth (clicker) put in and then come home for a while; then go to the follow up appointment for her shoulder surgery.  Well, here’s how our day really went; got up, went to the oral surgeon, had a very bad experience (long story), he couldn’t get it out; had to leave; went to regular dentist; had a discussion with him; changed to another oral surgeon; got home, rested for a while; then got a phone call from the shoulder surgeon’s office telling us he was still in surgery and had to postpose her appointment.  It’s kind of like driving through downtown Raleigh when you are in a hurry and hitting every red light.  Sometimes I wonder if it isn’t God’s sense of humor just reminding us Who is in charge.  That could have been what was happening today for me.  Just a little reminder of how perfect His plan is for our lives.  For this I am so grateful.  The good news is Sue had a great night last night.  For the first time since surgery she slept from 12 midnight till 6am without getting up.  She is still sleeping in the rented power recliner in the family room and still on pain medication but her shoulder is doing really well.  The follow up appointment was moved until tomorrow morning, so we will find out about progress, physical therapy (which we will have to do 3 times a week for a while) and exactly what’s next.  As far as the tooth, she has an appointment with a new oral surgeon on Monday afternoon and we’ll just start over.  We had an outstanding supper tonight brought over by the Kulak’s.  We love them so much.  We also love their grilled pork and mashed potatoes.  I am just so glad that Sue and I love to be together as much as we do.  And I am so glad that God is in control of everything; gas prices, presidents, president elect, 401k’s, today, tomorrow, this minute, this second; to Him there are no surprises and today was no surprise either and being reminded of that makes me smile. God is Good All the Time!

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Oops, forgot to write this morning

Ronnie again,  I forgot to write this morning, so I’ll combine two days here.  Sue is doing pretty good.   Still tying to keep the pain under control.  Last night we had another great supper that was sooo warming and soothing from Becca Wiebe.  Sue and I took an outing and went to Holly Springs, yesterday afternoon, to get her hair cut by our good friend Janelle.  She is so awesome.  She just radiates Christ.  After getting her hair cut (Sue said she was tired of her mullet) we went by Becca’s Wiebe’s house.  She had prepared a wonderful soup, a great corn casserole and a delicious pumpkin pie. Becca and Mike’s kids are so wonderful.  I just love being around them, they are so cute and smart and so personable.  By the time we got home, Sue was tired, but did very well.  We had an okay night, getting up every 3 hours or so for pain meds and ice packs.  Sue made it all day on her own, so that’s a good step.  Our friend Gussie brought over a wonderful supper for us tonight.  Meat loaf, mac and cheese, salad and some wonderful cookies.  We are so thankful for our friends and their willingness to help.  Well, tomorrow is going to be a full day.  Tomorrow morning Sue has an appointment to have a tooth extracted and the start of an implant put in.  Then to her regular dentist to put in a “clicker” that will be used until the final implant is made in a couple of months.  Then tomorrow afternoon a follow appointment with the surgeon who did her shoulder.   So, needless to say, it’s going to be a full day.  So, we are just resting tonight with great anticipation of tomorrow.  Again, we appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers.  God is Good All the Time.

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Function Day

Ronnie here.  Function Day.  That is what Sue called today when she woke up this morning.  This is the day she is going to “function”.  She had an okay night, still feeling quite a bit of pain.  So still on pain pill about every 3 hours.  I’m going to work today, so this is going to be different for both of us today.  Billie Jo is bringing Sue lunch, so that will be very helpful and then I should be home early afternoon.   We are going to make an outing this afternoon, so a big day.  EJ and Cynthia, some good friends from church, brought over a beautiful chicken pie, green beans and good ole corn bread.  We appreciated it very much.   It looks like something                                               dscn0636

 out of a Paula Dean magazine or something, doesn’t it.  Anyway, we are so thankful for everyone calling, cards, and the meals.  Well, gotta go to work, keep Sue in your prayers today and she tries to “function.”  God is Good All the Time.

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Taking a Shower-it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…

Ronnie again.  After great anticipation of finally getting a shower, well, it wasn’t as much fun as we thought.  Yesterday morning and early afternoon was spent, just chillin’ and healin’. Then shortly after lunch, Sue decided it was time.  The great event of finally getting a shower.  It had been five days since the last one.  We knew this would be a process so I laid out towels, got clean clothes, made sure the water was just the right temperature, had a couple of band aids ready to put on the incisions. We spent about five minutes just taking off the “sling/body de-mobilizer thing” and then it was bandage removal time.  For some reason I wasn’t expecting much to be under there, but to my surprise, it was more than I thought.  There were five small incisions, one that was still a little open.  Sue made it to the shower and just shortly after getting her hair washed she started to feel faint.  We got her out of the shower as quickly as possible to let her  “gather herself”.  Then the task of getting her dressed, very carefully getting the “sling thing” back on her, drying her hair and getting back down stairs.  It was quite an ordeal and I think we’ve decided that being dirty isn’t all that bad.  About 5pm our dear friend Brian Hoegg brought over a wonderful supper that his precious wife Cindy, had made for us.  A wonderful roast beef, some lima beans and rice.  It was outstanding!  We are already looking forward to having it for lunch too.  Again, we are so blessed to have friends that are willing to take their time to help us out in this way.  Jeff called a couple of times and he and Lyndsey were having friends over to their new house for supper.  We are so excited that they are getting settled and starting off so good.  Katie is back home in Akron and getting rested up from her trip to Italy.  It sounds like her talks had such an impact on the ladies over there.  I noticed on her FaceBook one of the ladies had already contacted her expressing her thanks for them coming and how it had touched their lives.   Sue had a good night last night.  We got up every three hours for pain meds and were able to go back to sleep right away each time.  We will just patiently wait, continue to heal and praise God for being able to get her shoulder fixed.  Again, we thank you for your cards, your emails and notes and for your prayers.  God is Good All the Time!

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Great Supper, Pretty Flowers, Good Friends, Okay Night

Ronnie again.  I mentioned before, our good friends from church have committed to bringing us supper for the next couple of weeks.  Last night we had a WONDERFUL supper brought over by Lisa Evans; stuffed shells, salad, a wonderful salad dressing and bread.  It was great!  I am so thankful and humbled to have people in our lives that are willing to help in such a wonderful way.   It takes sooo much pressure off of me not to have to wonder about supper.  After supper, the door bell rang and it was a flower delivery person.  There was a beautiful bunch of flowers from my sister Susan and her family.  That was so refreshing.  Shortly after that, our good friends Wayne and Terry Witt came by and chatted for a few minutes.  It was great seeing them.  They have always been such support and encourgement to our family.   Sue had an “okay” night.  She was up quite a bit and didn’t sleep as well as she has the last couple of nights.  Today we will just hang out here and continue to heal.  This afternoon will be SHOWER TIME!  So, I know that will be a “process”  and will probably wear her out.  I was able to sneak out this morning and run to Harris Teeter to cash in on triple coupons.  It was good to get out, but wasn’t the same without Sue.  Please continue to pray for Sue specifically for pain control with the pain medication (the only thing that is working also causes her excessive itching so she has to use Benedryl too, which makes her sleepy), getting use to the large sling and shoulder harness she is in 24/7 and for continued healing.   I know one day we’ll look back and say, “that wasn’t so bad.”  Thanks for your cards, your thoughts and for your prayers.                                           God is Good All the Time!

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